NEW: Air Force Marathon at Wright-Patterson rerouted for Fairborn road work

A $4.45 million Fairborn project near Wright-Patterson Air Force Base will impact the Air Force Marathon route in September, a city official said.

Wright-Patt “has actually rerouted part of the marathon to minimize how much conflict there will be with the project,” which will impact Broad Street, or Ohio 444, according to Manuel Jacobs, Fairborn assistant city engineer.

The marathon last year had nearly 8,000 participants in four races, including about 1,300 in the 26.2-mile full marathon.

It’s unclear when the Broad Street work will start and finish, but Jacobs said it will coincide with the 27th marathon, which is set for Sept. 16.

The Fairborn project will impact Ohio 444 from West Dayton Drive to Pierce Drive, the area closest to Wright-Patt.

Fairborn City Council voted Monday night to accept Milcon Concrete over two other businesses for the Broad Street work, the second phase of the project.

The work will include pavement width reduction, new curbs and gutters, pavement base repairs, new asphalt pavement, bike lanes, wider sidewalks, new trees, street lighting, and other streetscape enhancements, according to the city.

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