Ohio 48 sewer work to cost Oakwood more, affect Far Hills traffic for months

Project just south of Oakwood High School is expected to run from June to November

OAKWOOD — A $2.1 million sewer project on Ohio 48 is expected to cause lane closures that will slow Far Hills Avenue traffic for months and cost the city much more than initially expected.

Oakwood’s state grant application was denied, prompting the city recently to shift $985,000 from its general fund for the Far Hills Avenue storm sewer reconstruction, a “critically important” project, according to the city.

The budget Oakwood approved for this year included $1.22 million for stormwater capital improvements, city documents show.

The work, estimated to run from June to November, will likely be a phased project with northbound and southbound single-lane closures on Far Hills/Ohio 48, Oakwood officials said.

The city’s website will have weekly updates on the project, City Manager Norbert Klopsch said.

“This is not something we’ve traditionally done for projects … But this particular one is a biggie and you’re going to see a lot of work right down Far Hills Avenue just south of the high school,” Klopsch said.

“And I think a lot of folks will be interested in keeping up on the work on a regular basis,” he added.

Residents can also register for email updates to be sent weekly once work starts, Klopsch said.

That part of Ohio 48 is one of the most traveled surface streets in Montgomery County, running from downtown Dayton south through the suburbs of Oakwood, Kettering, Centerville and Washington Twp.

Much of the sewer system in the work zone was installed before the 1950s, officials have said.

Kinnison Excavating’s bid of $1.84 million was the lowest of four submissions received on the project and was awarded the contract, according to the city. The highest proposal was $2.24 million by Outdoor Enterprises.

Oakwood officials expect to meet with Kinnison in a few weeks, at which time a firmer schedule and a traffic maintenance plan will be discussed, city project engineer Chris Kuzma said in an email.

“Traffic will be maintained with at least one lane open in both directions throughout the project,” Kuzma said. “There are no plans for a total road closure and complete detour at any point of the project.”

The project will include replacing about 3,050 feet of pipe on four Oakwood roads, including the state route, officials said.

The work will involve one block on Far Hills from Dellwood Avenue to Greenmount Boulevard, plus one-block areas ending at the state route on Dellwood and Forrer Boulevard, Klopsch said.

The project will also impact Devereux Drive from Forrer to just north of Ashridge Road, he added.

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