911 caller reports person lying on the ground after SUV almost goes into river



A 911 caller who reported a crash where an SUV almost went into the Great Miami River in Dayton told dispatchers he heard a popping noise that may have been gunfire and there was a person laying on the ground.

“You got a car that’s run down by the river across from UD Arena,” the caller said. “I don’t know if they’re alright or not. It sounded like I heard some gunshots, but I don’t want to go down there.”

The man also said that the SUV was smoking and suggested the popping noise could be related to the crash.

“There’s nobody else involved,” he added. “They just came up through there and ran straight off the road.”

Police arrived at the crash shortly after 8 p.m. and found one person with a head wound, according to dispatch records. It was not clear what cause the wound.

Dispatchers said the victim was taken to the hospital. More details on their condition were not available at this time.

We are working to learn more information and will continue to update this story as details are released.

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