Oregon District shooting anniversary: Remembering 9 lives lost

Dayton Police Department reflects

An email went across the Dayton Police Department on Friday — the fourth anniversary of the Oregon District mass shooting that killed nine innocent lives, injured more than two dozen and wrecked havoc on countless others.

“There’s no way that you don’t feel something on this day … and that’s for all community members,” said Lt. Col. Eric Henderson, deputy director and assistant chief of the Dayton Police Department during a media briefing.

The email honored the nine victims — Megan Betts, Monica Brickhouse, Nicholas Cumer, Derrick Fudge, Thomas McNichols, Lois Oglesby, Saeed Saleh, Logan Turner, Beatrice Warren-Curtis — and also the officers’ quick response to the active shooter, who fired 41 shots in less than 30 seconds.

“There was a lot of things done that day to help prevent additional loss of life,” Henderson said.

The mass shooting is a day Henderson said he and the department will never forget.

“We’re always monitoring what’s going on across the country. … it’s something that we take seriously,” he said.

Command staff and officers participated in additional active shooter training this summer, with greater integration of the fire department’s medics.

“We’re trying to strengthen the lessons learned from the incident that occurred on Aug. 4, 2019,” Henderson said.

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