The operation will feature parachute jumps by about 100 soldiers, supported by a KC-130J aircraft.
Credit: Wesley Farnsworth
Credit: Wesley Farnsworth
The schedule is subject to change. But right now, the first daylight jump is expected to happen around 3:45 p.m., involving about 100 jumpers and requiring three passes per aircraft.
A second jump may follow about an hour later.
A night jump is expected to start around 8:15 p.m., with about 80 jumpers, again requiring three passes per aircraft. A second night jump could happen an hour later.
The 412th Civil Affairs Battalion (Airborne) is an Army Reserve unit that specializes in civil military operations.
The jumps may involve a brief suspension of runway operations, the base said.
The unit is required to complete eight jumps a year to remain current.
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