Economic development continued in the Dayton region in 2021 with new buildings going up, old ones renovated and roadway construction across the region.

And the Advanced Air Mobility Showcase at Springfield-Beckley Municipal Airport Lift Aircraft demonstrated how these systems, known as “flying cars,” work.

“One thing Ohio is doing to address supply chain issues is to aggressively pursue opportunities to re-shore manufacturing so more of any given supply chain is not just within the U.S., but within the state,” said Julie Sullivan, executive vice president of regional development Dayton Development Coalition. “The Air Force’s Agility Prime program is a great example. One of the program’s goals is to keep the development and manufacture of “flying cars” within the U.S. Springfield and the Dayton Region are well-positioned to capture that growth.”

Local officials believe that economic development and growth will continue in the region in 2022 but said challenges remain because of the continuing COVID-19 pandemic and workforce issues.

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