Different types of skimmers include ATM skimmers, keypad overlays and EBT skimmers.
The Dayton Police Department is seeing an increase in EBT Fraud. Here are some tips to try and help make sure you do not become a victim of skimming devices. pic.twitter.com/4IufeRhn4D
— Dayton Police Dept. (@DaytonPolice) November 25, 2024
Police suggested the following to avoid being a victim of skimmers:
- Check the card reader before using it. Don’t give a card to a cashier to complete a transaction. If the card reader appears to be tampered with, don’t use it. Contact the police and store supervisor.
- Change your PIN routinely, especially before the following month’s benefits are provided.
- Download the latest version of the ConnectEBT app. The app has an option to lock your card between uses.
- Purchase food online if possible.
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