Sand Tarts at Ashley’s Pastry Shop in Oakwood mentioned in new ‘West Wing’ book

Credit: Natalie Jones

Credit: Natalie Jones

Ashley’s Pastry Shop in Oakwood has been known for its Sand Tarts, a brown sugar cookie with a dollop of meringue and a dusting of cinnamon sugar.

In March 2004, Dayton Daily News food critic Ann Heller dubbed it the “Cookie of the Stars.” She had written about the cookies becoming popular on set of “The West Wing,” which featured three Miami Valley natives, Allison Janney, Rob Lowe and Martin Sheen.

20 years later, the cast and crew still remembers the cookies.

Credit: Natalie Jones

Credit: Natalie Jones

In the new book, “What’s Next: A Backstage Pass to The West Wing, Its Cast and Crew, and Its Enduring Legacy of Service” cast members Melissa Fitzgerald and Mary McCormack talk about the cookies and the connection to the show.

“According to Debora, the inspiration for this “runner," which would prove pivotal in the Supreme Court storyline, began with Allison's mother.

“There's this place in her hometown," Deb says. “that has these unbelievable cookies." (MELISSA FUN FACT: Ashley's Pastry Shop - it's in Dayton, Ohio. You should probably go there. Now.) “Once a year Allison's mom would send this massive box of them. There's this huge announcement on the set — ‘THE COOKIES ARE HERE!!' — and everyone comes running."

This care package of amazing treats gave Deb the idea for Donna's mom having sent really horrible treats. For the record, Deb would like everyone to know: “Allison's mom's cookies were not dry." Also, they didn't come in a cookie tin with a picture of two cats on the lid."

- What’s Next: A Backstage Pass to The West Wing, Its Cast and Crew, and Its Enduring Legacy of Service

Theresa Hammons, who has owned the bakery for 42 years with her husband, Greg, said they were really touched by the mention in the book.

“This book was not written by Allison,” Hammons said. “It was written by two other individuals that were connected to the show and for them to have that memory of us or Allison’s mom having Sand Tarts sent to them and what that meant to them really resonated home with what a difference and impact bakery goods and sweet treats can make on peoples’ lives.”

Hammons said Janney’s late-mother was a regular at the shop.

She recalled sending the first batch of cookies to Janney because she had the idea to “send a taste of home” to the cast and crew. Today, Hammons still sends cookies to Janney.

“That’s what makes our job so special. Each and every day we have the ability to make a difference through our deliciousness,” Hammons said. “Regardless of wherever home is or wherever you are, there’s always a connection from where you’re from.”


Hammons and her husband opened the bakery in 1982 when she was eight-and-a-half months pregnant with their oldest daughter, Ashley. Over the years, Ashley’s Pastry Shop has become a household name when it comes to doughnuts, cakes, cookies and other fresh pastries.

“The building itself was built over 95 years ago, there was always a bakery on this side. Sand Tarts was a cookie that was kind of legendary to the previous owners before us, where there had been many,” Hammons said. “When we opened the business, we didn’t know anything about a Sand Tart because we aren’t originally from Dayton. We’re from Cincinnati.”

After many requests for Sand Tarts, she found another bakery that had the cookies and her husband sent them to a lab to figure out the ingredients.

Sand Tarts, also known as “Allison’s cookies,” remain the top seller with 40 to 45 dozen sold per day. The cookies sell for $12.95 a dozen or $1.50 each.


Ashley’s Pastry Shop, located at 21 Park Ave. in Oakwood, is open 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Friday and 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday.

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