State finds Mad River teachers underpaid retirement contributions

Five school therapists and an art teaching position are among the jobs being proposed as part of a reduction in force in Mad River Local Schools, records show. FILE

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Credit: FILE

Five school therapists and an art teaching position are among the jobs being proposed as part of a reduction in force in Mad River Local Schools, records show. FILE

Mad River Schools miscalculated retirement fund contributions for the State Teachers Retirement System for two teachers according to a recent audit by the Ohio Auditor of State.

One teacher underpaid the state by $2,248 and the other underpaid the state by $210.

One teacher has deposited a check to the district for $210. The other worked out a payment plan with the district to pay $149.92 per pay period beginning in November 2024 to repay the underpayment.

“The process for STRS withholding has not changed but we are making sure that the total withheld after each payroll equals the required 14% employee contribution rate,” said Jerry Ellender, treasurer for Mad River Schools.

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