These jobs grew fastest in June

Credit: DaytonDailyNews

Job growth continues in Ohio as the nation climbs out of the economic crisis brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.

In Ohio employment in two industry sectors each increased by 5.8 percent, the highest rate of all sectors from May to June, according to the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services.

Educational services jobs grew to 109,600 in June and arts, entertainment and recreation jobs grew to 73,100 jobs.

Educational services and arts, entertainment and recreation were the two fastest growing industry sectors in Ohio in June compared to May, 2021.

Credit: Alexis Larsen

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Credit: Alexis Larsen

Year-over-year there was a nearly 53 percent gain in those arts, entertainment and recreation jobs, which were among the hardest hit by the pandemic shutdown.

The other job sectors with the greatest monthly rate of employment growth in June were state government, at 3.3 percent, leisure and hospitality, at 2.2 percent , and accommodation and food services, at 1.6 percent.

Employers are struggling to fill job openings.

“The worker shortage is a real limitation right now,” said Jason Eckert, executive director of career services at the University of Dayton. “I think we see that most acutely in the service industry, be that restaurants, retail locations, even Kings Island had a hard time keeping their posted hours for a short time because they had a hard time locating talent.”

Jason Eckert, director of career services at the University of Dayton.

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Experts worry that the current resurgence of COVID-19 could dampen the nation’s economic recovery and make it harder for companies to find workers. But they say that once schools reopen it will help parents struggling with child care return to work and that should bring some relieve to companies trying to fill jobs.

“I do see things coming into somewhat more of a balance starting around the fourth quarter of 2021,” Eckert said. “I say that because there are people who are not in the labor market right now who may choose to re-enter once certain institutions normalize.”

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These were the fastest growing jobs in June

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