The number of students registered grew during the week from 728 when registration was closed to 927 as of late Friday, Aug. 7.
School administrators planned to meet again Monday to revise plans and begin making staff adjustments to accommodate the change, Piper said. NANCY BOWMAN, CONTRIBUTING WRITER
Seed packets can be turned into extension office
The Ohio Department of Agriculture is asking anyone who received unsolicited seed packets in the mail to drop them off at the Ohio State University Extension Miami County office at the Hobart Center for County Government, 510 W. Water St.
The office is located on the building's second floor. A drop box is located outside the door. Those leaving the seeds are asked to leave them in the original packaging, if possible.
Anyone with questions is asked to email
By collecting the seed packets, OSU Extension and the ODA hope to identify the source of the seeds, Bennett said.
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