US Marshals offer $5K reward for Dayton man accused of killing pregnant woman, teen boy

The U.S. Marshals Service is offering a $5,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of a Dayton man accused of shooting and killing a pregnant woman and a teenage boy.

Nicole “Nico” Cunigan Jr., 32, is charged with four counts each of murder and felonious assault and single counts of involuntary manslaughter, tampering with evidence, having weapons while under disability and improper discharge of a firearm, according to Dayton Municipal Court records.

He is accused of shooting and killing 32-year-old Precious Taste, the mother of his children, and 16-year-old Deante Johnson, an acquaintance, on May 22 in the 1400 block of Shaftesbury Road.

Cunigan had multi-colored braids that went to his shoulder blades at the time of the shooting but may have cut his hair since then, according to the Dayton Police Department.

He was in Richmond, Indiana, shortly after the shooting and also may have traveled to Cleveland.

Anyone with information on Cunigan’s whereabouts can submit tips at or call 1-877-WANTED2.

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