Voters Guide: Carey vs. Josephson for Congressional seat in Miami, Clark counties

The race for Ohio's 15th Congressional district in November 2022 is between incumbent Republican Mike Carey and Democratic challenger Gary Josephson.

The race for Ohio's 15th Congressional district in November 2022 is between incumbent Republican Mike Carey and Democratic challenger Gary Josephson.

All candidates for local, state and federal office were sent the same series of questions by the Dayton Daily News and Springfield News-Sun. Our goal was to help voters make informed choices in the Nov. 8 election (early voting for which began Oct. 12).

The redrawn 15th U.S. Congressional district is an irregularly shaped district stretching from Columbus in the east, and covering much of Clark County, east/central Miami County and southern Shelby County.

This race is between incumbent Republican Mike Carey and Democratic challenger Gary Josephson. The candidates’ answers are below, in their own words. Candidates are listed in alphabetical order.

Mike Carey

Residence: Columbus

Organizations, boards, previous elected positions: American Legion member

Education: Bachelor of Arts, History - Ohio State University / Associate of Science, Economics - Marion Military Institute

Current Employment: Congressman (OH-15)

Why are you seeking elected office: I am running for reelection to continue my work for the people of Ohio and because our country needs a change in leadership. Over the last two years, families have struggled financially and personally. Unprecedented government spending has driven inflation to a 40 year high and gas prices have spiked as foreign energy producers have been favored over American producers. Crime has risen with anti police rhetoric, prosecutors refusing to prosecute crimes, and a total abandonment of immigration laws emboldening criminals and making our communities less safe. As a member of the new Republican majority in the House, my Republican colleagues and I will put forth policies to ensure we have an economy that is strong, a nation that’s safe, a future built on freedom, and a government that’s accountable.

Mike Carey, Republican candidate for the 15th Congressional District, speaks at a Republican club meeting Monday, Aug. 9, 2021, in Powell, Ohio. (AP Photo/Jay LaPrete)

Credit: Jay LaPrete

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Credit: Jay LaPrete

Why should voters elect you: Voters should reelect me because in my 11 months in office, I have already proven myself to be an effective member who can work across the aisle to get things done. My first bill, the Energy Cybersecurity University Leadership Act, was a bipartisan piece of legislation that has already passed the House and will help ensure our electric grid is safe from cyber attacks. I have built strong relationships with both Republican and Democrat members that will benefit our district in the next Congress. I am also laser focussed on helping our local communities and constituents. This year I secured nearly $17 million for local projects and our casework returned more than $1.5 million to constituents. As a former executive for one of the nation’s largest privately held energy companies, I have always been results driven and I will always be focused on getting results for my constituents.

If elected, what will be your top three priorities? My top three priorities are getting our economy back on track, ensuring the safety of our communities and nation, and bringing accountability back to the government.

What specific plans do you have to address those top priorities? To rebuild a strong economy we must curb wasteful spending that has raised prices and grown our national debt to $31 trillion, bring stability through pro-growth tax and deregulatory policies, maximize production of American energy and cut the permitting process time in half to reduce our reliance on foreign countries and lower energy costs, and move supply chains away from China, expand U.S. manufacturing and enhance our competitiveness and cyber resiliency.

To create a nation that is safe we must support our police officers through recruiting bonuses and oppose all efforts to defund them. We must crack down on prosecutors who refuse to prosecute crimes, while permanently criminalizing all forms of illicit fentanyl. We must also fully fund effective border enforcement strategies to prevent illegal crossings and trafficking by the cartels. Additionally, we must invest in an efficient, effective military, establish a Select Committee on China, and exercise peace through strength to counter increasing global threats.

To create a government that is accountable we must conduct rigorous oversight to rein in government abuse of power. We must uphold free speech and advance the Parents Bill of Rights to ensure parents have their voices heard in the classroom. We must also end special treatment for Members of Congress by repealing proxy voting.

Anything else you would like voters to know? Voters should know that in addition to my business background, I am also a veteran who served as an Officer in the Army National Guard and will always fight for our veterans. I also grew up on a farm in Sabina, Ohio and understand how important Ohio farmers are to our economy and communities. As a father of three, family always comes first and I am working to ensure that my children as well as yours will have the opportunity to build their American dream. Finally, voters should know that I have been endorsed by the FOP Capital City Lodge #9, Columbus Firefighters Union Local 67, Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters, Teamsters, and the Affiliated Construction Trades of Ohio.


Gary Josephson

Residence: Columbus

Organizations, boards, previous elected positions: Elected President, Local 4501, CWA, 1996-2001; Board of Trustees Columbus Metropolitan Community Action Organization, CMACAO; Member CWA Local 4310-4320 retirees; Member Central Ohio AFL-CIO retirees; Delegate, Ohio Alliance for Retired Americans

Education: B.S. Human Resources, O.S.U.1980; B.A. English, O.S.U. 2022; MSL Master in the Study of Law, Moritz College of Law, O.S.U. expected Spring 2023.

Current Employment: Preschool Teacher’s Aide; Full Time Student - Master’s Program, Moretz College of Law, O.S.U.; Retired Professionally

Why are you seeking elected office: To make a difference for America; To put nation before party; To strengthen democracy; To address the issues of our time with a focus on remedies over rhetoric.

Gary Josephson

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Why should voters elect you: I listen and care. I am honest, knowledgeable, practical, and can help forge agreements. Further, my duty will be to represent ALL regardless of income, wealth, business ownership, employment status, age, personal attributes, and familial relations. Further, I oppose personality cults, fear mongering, factions, stereotyping, sexism, and racism

If elected, what will be your top three priorities?

(1) I will promote reindustrialization with a focus good-paying and stable employment, environmental safety, green industry, and sustainable agriculture. This should be produced under an umbrella of public/private partnerships with worker rights and participation.

(2) Children and youth - I will place a focus on youth and advance programs to insure every child is wanted, educated, mentored, employed, and told the truth. Instability, crime and even war are products of a society where youth do not see a path to a future that includes their interests and makes a place for them to have peaceful and productive lives.

(3) American Democracy will thrive when vindictiveness, and hate have little or no standing in the public marketplace of ideas. I advocate a return to fairness doctrines where those who use the instruments of interstate commerce must provide ample time and resources to opposing points of view. When newspapers dominated the public’s attention, limiting ownership size and opposing the capture of markets by entities helped promote diversity. We need to create similar measures to insure that hate, vindictiveness, and promotions of insurrections can never again capture a hold on the public mind.

What specific plans do you have to address those top priorities? (1) Re-industrialize with public-private partnerships to grow green industry. (2) Mentorship programs for all youth. (3) Public service programs to work off student debt. (4) Eliminate political gerrymandering. (5) Simplify access to the ballot with verification by secure IDs, two weeks to vote anywhere in the state, provisional ballots plus a picture for those without an ID. Mail in ballots with secure audit trail. (6) Every citizen has ability access to ballot with no exceptions.

Anything else you would like voters to know? Abraham Lincoln said “In this age and in this country, public sentiment is everything. With it nothing can fail; against it nothing can succeed.” Voters need to know that my goal is to always speak to solutions with your sentiments in mind. Further, my respect for the Constitution and the honor of representing the American people in the U.S. House of Representatives knows no bounds. Thank you for this opportunity to work for you.