VOICES: What issue facing our nation is most important to you?

Donald Trump and Joe Biden will appear in the first of three 2020 presidential debates Tuesday, September 29. Image source: Shutterstock

Donald Trump and Joe Biden will appear in the first of three 2020 presidential debates Tuesday, September 29. Image source: Shutterstock

Note from Community Impact Editor Amelia Robinson: The first presidential debate of 2020 is set for 9 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 29.

Millions are expected to watch Democrat Joe Biden take on incumbent President Donald Trump, a Republican on a list of topics expected to include Trump and Biden’s records; the Supreme Court; COVID-19; the economy, race and violence in American cities and the integrity of the election.

We asked Facebook users to identify the one issue most important to them. Several people offered multiple concerns.

Here is a sample of responses.

“Abortion is the only issue. Protect the most vulnerable and innocent: babies. ― Sam Ronicker

“If (re)elected, what will you do to ensure the protection of marginalized people in our society?” ― Sarah Caplan

Shutterstock image of Donald Trump.

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“LAW AND ORDER. Economy.” ― Holly Page Brown

“Another stimulus. People need food. People need health care. People need help with rent/mortgage. Police reform. An honest election.” ― Garnet Bruja

“I need to know how these candidates are going to address police brutality and install real police reform.” ― Danny Thomas

“Election integrity.” ― Kat Walsh

“Bringing this country together!” ― Jill Hansel Erwin

“The pandemic. Little can get better in this country until this elephant in the room is under control. Half the country hangs on Trump’s every word when we should be hanging on the words of our public health officials and scientists.” ― Janet Neu

“No. 1: What is your specific plan to bring the pandemic under control, especially in light of the number of people who just won’t take mitigation measures? No. 2 What is your specific plan to make sure everyone is able to get health care?” ― Saul Caplan

Shutterstock image of Joe Biden

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“Jobs/Economy! With money all things are possible.” ― Jason Matthews

“Health care and basic human rights.” ― Becky Rowley Taylor

“How will you assure Americans can’t be thrown off their insurance for preexisting conditions or for becoming sick from an expensive diagnosis?” ― Mary Robertson

“Pandemic and climate change. Both need serious attention now.” ― Ann Stevens

“Climate change, protecting the Earth for future generations.” ― Bri Schrader

“What will you do as president to encourage Americans to seek peace and understanding amongst ourselves and how will you encourage other elected officials to follow suit?” ― Todd Lucas

“Pandemic testing and defense production act.” ― Harvey Daye Jr.

“Global warming” ― Janelle Wood

“Health care.” ― Teresa Talley

“How messy our voting system has become (with) gerrymandering, less and less polling stations/machines, and actively excluding/suppressing other parties.” ― Kristi Kunkel-Shepler

“Health care/Medicare for All (or something damn close to it).” ― Laura Loges

What do you think?

Contact Dayton Daily News Ideas and Voices Editor Amelia Robinson at edletter@coxinc.com. Letters to the editor on this and any other issues must be 150 words or less. For consideration, include your full name, the city in which you live and a daytime phone number in the email.

Your help is needed

For an upcoming edition of the Ideas and Voices page, I am seeking local Republican, Democratic and undecided voters willing to share their thoughts on issues important to them. Those selected will be asked to participate in small panels about the upcoming election.

Interested? Email me at arobinson@DaytonDailyNews.com. Include your name, city of residence and a day time phone number.

Your help is needed.

For an upcoming edition of the Ideas and Voices page, I am seeking Dayton area Republican, Democratic and undecided voters willing to share their thoughts on issues important to them. Those selected will be asked to participate in small panels about the upcoming election.

Interested? Email me at arobinson@DaytonDailyNews.com. Include your name, city of residence and a day time phone number.

Amelia Robinson’s column will return next week.