Who is the best high school football player ever from the Dayton area? Nominate players for our contest

Patterson CO-OP on the run during a 1987 football game. DAYTON DAILY NEWS ARCHIVE

Patterson CO-OP on the run during a 1987 football game. DAYTON DAILY NEWS ARCHIVE

Starting in August, the Dayton Daily News will run a bracket contest including high school football players from all generations seeking to answer this question: Who is the best football player ever from the Dayton area?

Do you know of a player who should be in the bracket (from Montgomery, Miami, Greene and Warren counties)? Please help us by nominating with the form below.

We’re looking to gather as many players as possible to celebrate Dayton’s history of great football, so please nominate as many players as you’d like.

We’ll release more details about the bracket challenge as the start date gets closer.