Woman in custody after ramming Kettering cruisers, leading police on chase

A woman was arrested Tuesday night after she reportedly rammed two Kettering police cruisers before leading officers on a chase.

Around 8:26 p.m. officers received information from Flock cameras that a known woman with multiple warrants for failure to comply was in the city, said Cynthia James, Kettering Police Department public information officer.

The woman had reportedly fled from officers multiple times in the past when police attempted to stop her.

Officers found the vehicle near West Stroop and Lamme roads and attempted to block it so the woman couldn’t flee. She rammed both the police cruisers and drove away, James said.

Two other officers in the area pursued the woman. Miami Twp. police used tire deflation devices near Mad River and Fox Run roads.

“As the vehicle slowed due to the stop sticks deployment, the first pursuing officer was able to conduct a successful PIT (Precision Immobilization Technique) maneuver to terminate the pursuit,” James said.

The woman was arrested, and failure to comply, possession of drugs and felonious assault charges are pending, along with three misdemeanor warrants and a felony warrant.

No one was injured during the incident.

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