Develop an emergency plan ahead of time

September kicks off National Preparedness Month, a joint effort by federal, state, local and private organizations to remind us to take the opportunity to prepare ourselves and our families before a disaster or emergency occurs.

The theme in 2021 is: “Prepare to protect. Preparing for disasters is protecting everyone you love.”

Throughout the month, the campaign will address: making and practicing a plan, building a kit; low-cost, no-cost preparedness; and teaching youth about preparedness. Much helpful information can be found at

One of the first priorities in becoming prepared is developing an emergency plan. Sitting down prior to a disaster with your family and determining how you will communicate with each other, where to go and what to do will prove beneficial in the event of an emergency or disaster.

Your family may not be together if a disaster strikes, so not only is it important to understand what disasters can affect your area but how you’ll communicate and reunite with one another.

Discuss these questions with your family, friends or household:

· How will I receive emergency alerts and warnings?

· What is my shelter plan?

· What is my evacuation route?

· What is my family/household communication plan?

· Do I need my emergency preparedness kit?

Afterward, you should consider your household’s specific needs, including dietary, medical, disability or access with devices and other equipment, and pets or service animals.

Once these things are identified, you can fill out a Family Emergency Plan and Family Emergency Communication Plan by using the template at, or creating your own. Ensure the plan is accessible to everyone.

After the plan is developed, everyone in the household should practice it periodically and make updates since your family’s needs change over time. Check with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as well to modify existing plans due to coronavirus.

For more information, contact your local unit emergency management representative or Wright-Patterson Air Force Base’s Office of Emergency Management at 937-257-3634.

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