5 things to know about the coronavirus today: Company behind viral pingpong video has new release

Each trap has its own ping pong ball precariously balanced on top. As the single ball drops, it sets off a chain reaction, causing the balls to fly in all directions. One small ball caused a ripple effect of chaos and destruction.

Each trap has its own ping pong ball precariously balanced on top. As the single ball drops, it sets off a chain reaction, causing the balls to fly in all directions. One small ball caused a ripple effect of chaos and destruction.

It is Tuesday, Jan. 12, 2021, and these are five things to know about the coronavirus pandemic today.

Dayton company behind viral pingpong video has new visualization

The Dayton-based company that famously demonstrated how social distancing works in a video using mouse traps and pingpong balls created a new visualization that shows how each choice people make has an effect on coronavirus cases.

Map shows COVID hospitalization rates in SW Ohio

The federal government on Monday released an updated set of hospital-level data showing the effect COVID-19 cases are having on area hospitals. Find out how each area hospital is faring with the load of coronavirus cases in the region with our online tool.

Area hospitals administer thousands of vaccine doses

By the end of this week, Premier Health and Kettering Health will both administer about 90% of the 9,400 doses each hospital system have received so far, according to spokesmen for the hospital networks.

Nearly 7,900 daily cases reported Monday

Nearly 7.900 daily cases of coronavirus were reported Monday in Ohio as hospitalizations remain above 4,000, according to the latest data from the Ohio Department of Health.

Miami County to release details Thursday on 1B vaccinations

Miami County Public Health will release information Thursday on coronavirus vaccination clinics for Phase 1B. Under the next phase, those ages 65 and older, K-12 school staff and people with severe congenital, developmental or medical disorders will be eligible, officials said.

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