Dayton commissioners today approved two contracts for about $15 million to pay for the first bid package of phase 1 and demolition and reconstruction of the concrete apron.
RELATED: City to vote on contracts worth millions for Dayton airport work
The second and third phases will include a new terminal canopy and interior upgrades, the addition of a car rental building, terrazzo flooring and lighting upgrades.
“Pretty much everything from the wall behind the ticket counters to the curb in front of the parking garage will be replaced or renovated as part of this program,” said Terry Slaybaugh, Dayton’s aviation director.
The original airport terminal and cargo buildings were completed in 1958, and the last major project that impacted the passenger experience took place in 2011 with the creation of a new, inline baggage system, said Slaybaugh, .
Prior to that, there hadn’t been a major project since the 1980s.
RELATED: First part of parking upgrade complete at Dayton airport
The airport proposes adding new carpet through the terminal as well as replacing carpet with terrazzo in the main corridor. The terminal will get colorful, LED lighting and a 6,000-square-foot rental car space on the garage.
Boston Stoker is closing its store in the terminal area before the security checkpoint, but will maintain its shop within the airport, beyond the TSA screening area, Slaybaugh said.
Slaybaugh said the airport will pursue a coffee cart likely from Starbucks for the area before the checkpoint.
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