Springboro High student in detention after alleged school threat

The boy was arrested again Thursday night at his house in Clearcreek Twp. and taken to the detention center in Lebanon

The boy was arrested again Thursday night at his house in Clearcreek Twp. and taken to the detention center in Lebanon

A 15-year-old Springboro school district student was in the Warren County Detention Center again, for the second time accused of making a school threat using social media.

The boy is already under court supervision after convictions for grand theft, criminal damaging and attempting to make a false alarm, according to juvenile court records.

The boy was arrested again Thursday night at his house in Clearcreek Twp. and taken to the detention center in Lebanon, according to a police report.

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On Friday, Judge Joseph Kirby ordered the boy to remain in the detention center, pending a risk assessment “unless defendant advises the Court that he wishes to voluntarily participate in a polygraph evaluation.”

Kirby has used lie detectors in past school threat cases.

On Thursday, the student allegedly “made statements to other students about wearing red to school so that they would not be shot. This statement was relayed to other students, and one notified his coach because he was in fear of his safety,” according to court records.

The threat was reported by a student afraid to come to school as a result, according to court records.

The boy was charged with inducing panic on school grounds. He denied the charge.

Kirby ordered the boy to remain in detention, at least until Wednesday.

Lawyer Sean Brinkman was appointed to represent him.

This is the latest in a series of his juvenile court cases, records show.

On Aug. 23, the boy admitted to grand theft and criminal damaging.

The grand theft case involved an elderly neighbor he was helping with errands and lawn mowing. The amount stolen totaled $2,887, according to records.

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He was ordered to make restitution.

On June 26, he and his brother were charged with damaging a gay pride flag on a mailbox in Clearcreek Twp.

The brother said he ripped off the flag with his fishing knife and threw it into street. The boy charged with the school threat said he “did a burn out on the flag,” according to records.

On Aug. 23, the boy admitted the allegations and was found guilty of criminal damaging.

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Kirby ordered him to write a letter of apology and essay on gay pride movement, pick up litter for two days, make restitution and have no contact with the victim.

The boy’s probation was continued.

On Aug. 14, his computer privileges were resumed “ONLY for school purposes,” Magistrate Andrew Sievers ruled.

Last October, the boy sent a Snapchat, showing him holding a firearm, to friend at lunch at Springboro Junior High School. A caption said, “Should I bring this to school?”

This was shared at the lunch table, according to the court filings.

The boy admitted to sending the messages but “stated that he meant it as a joke and would never bring a gun to school,” records show.

He was charged with making false alarms and released to his parents on house arrest and ordered to have no contact with the junior high.

On Dec. 3, the charge was amended to attempting to make false alarms, and he was released from house arrest on probation. He was ordered to do 25 hours of community service.

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In the latest case, the school notified parents late Friday night:

“Throughout the day today district administration has received several inquiries, regarding what was perceived as a ‘threat’ made towards Springboro High School. A verbal comment, from a Springboro High School student, raised concern and was first brought to the attention of district personnel by other Springboro High School students. This concern was immediately looked into by district administration, and the Springboro Police Department were notified to further investigate.

The student who made the verbal comment was not, at any point, at Springboro High School today, Friday, August 30th, as the Clearcreek Township Police Department arrested the individual at his home last night. At no point were any guns or weapons, of any kind, brought into Springboro High School or any other school building in the district. There was no threat to the students or staff of Springboro High School.

If indeed the comment had been deemed a credible threat, all parents, students, staff, and community members would have been notified immediately. Our district appreciates the Springboro High School students who followed what our district and the Springboro Police Department encourage, “If You See Something, Say Something.”

“If you or your child suspect any type of suspicious behavior, contact your child’s principal or report the incident through our Student Safety Reporting System - www.springboro.org/studentsafetyreporting.aspx.”

The boy is scheduled to return to court at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, for a pretrial hearing.

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