Warren County judge grants transgender teen’s name change after reversal

Warren County Probate Court Judge Joe Kirby today granted a transgender 15-year-old’s name change request, made in April 2018. STAFF/LAWRENCE BUDD

Warren County Probate Court Judge Joe Kirby today granted a transgender 15-year-old’s name change request, made in April 2018. STAFF/LAWRENCE BUDD

Warren County Probate Court Judge Joe Kirby today granted a transgender 15-year-old’s name change request, first made in April 2018.

Kirby’s decision comes after the 12th District Court of Appeal reversed his denial of the name change and sent the case back to him for reconsideration.

“The Appellate Court set its sights on a more appropriate best interest standard for this court to consider on remand, finding that this court abused its discretion,” Kirby wrote in his decision.

RELATED: Appeals court reverses Warren County judge’s transgender name change denial

RELATED: LGBTQ groups join effort in Warren County name-change lawsuit

The teen was born female but identifies as male, prompting the name change request.

The three-judge appeals court panel, in a March 4 decision, ordered Kirby to “reconsider the application for change of name pursuant to the best interest factors recognized herein and based upon the record or after such further proceedings as the probate court deems necessary.”

Kirby decided to grant the name change without another hearing.

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