DSN dialing at Wright-Patt will require 10-digit dialing

With the increased number of Defense Switched Network users, DSN calls will require 10-digit dialing beginning Dec. 10. To make a DSN phone call, users will continue to dial “94” but then dial the phone number with a three-digit prefix. (Metro News Service photo)

With the increased number of Defense Switched Network users, DSN calls will require 10-digit dialing beginning Dec. 10. To make a DSN phone call, users will continue to dial “94” but then dial the phone number with a three-digit prefix. (Metro News Service photo)

With the increased number of Defense Switched Network users, DSN calls will require 10-digit dialing beginning Dec. 10.

“Previously there were only issues with users when dialing overseas,” said Web Sibley, 88th Communications Squadron Infrastructure flight chief. “Now there are more users in the continental United States so it was necessary to add multiple three-digit prefixes.”

To make a DSN phone call, users will continue to dial “94” but then dial the phone number with a three-digit prefix. The three digit prefix is based on location and can also be found with the individual’s information in the global address list. The three-digit prefix for Wright-Patterson AFB is “312.”

Other location three-digit prefixes are as follows:

• Continental United States (CONUS) and Puerto Rico: 312, 313, 322, 323, 392

• Europe: 314, 324

• Pacific: 315, 325

• Alaska: 317, 327

• Central Command (Southwest Asia): 318, 328

• Canada: 319, 329

For more information on using DSN dialing, go to https://www.disa.mil/network-services/Voice/SBU-Voice/Using-DSN/DSN-Tutorial/Area-Codes.

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