On Wednesdays from June 8 through June 30, patrons in Dayton, Cincinnati, Columbus, Lexington and Louisville can order from the breakfast bar from 4 to 9 p.m. “Brupper” prices are $8.59.
“Brupper” was first tested in Louisville locations, and it is now expanding to other cities. According to a national poll by ORC International, 90 percent of Americans say they sometimes eat dinner for breakfast and half of them said they eat breakfast for dinner at least once a month.
“Breakfast foods are popular items right now no matter what time of day they’re served, and I’m excited to show these items off along with the rest of our traditional dinner options,” said Chef Greg Grisanti, director of research and development for Frisch’s.
Frisch's operates 95 Big Boy restaurants, and franchises another 25 restaurants to independent operators in the region.
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