Huber Heights will start school online, try rolling return to buildings

District is latest to change restart plans amid COVID-19 concerns
This 2014 file photo shows students and families gathered outside Monticello Elementary in Huber Heights.

This 2014 file photo shows students and families gathered outside Monticello Elementary in Huber Heights.

Huber Heights is the latest local district to change its back-to-school plan for this fall amid COVID-19 concerns.

The school board on Tuesday night approved a 100% online start for the first two weeks for grades K-12, then a rolling return to in-person school over an eight-week span, with different grade levels going back at different times.

Huber Heights’ Back to School Plan 2.0 says some nations that have gone straight back to fully reopened school have had to close again within weeks as COVID-19 cases rose and schools lacked substitutes for sick teachers. The plan does not name those countries.

The plan includes a detailed target timeline, but says it is subject to change. Under that timeline:

** The first two weeks of school, Aug. 27 to Sept. 11, will be 100% online, with Huber Heights teachers instructing students using SchoolsPLP online curriculum.

** For the three weeks Sept. 14 to Oct. 2, grades K-3 would return to in-person school on a hybrid model where half of students attend Monday-Tuesday and the other half Thursday-Friday. Those students would do online learning the rest of the week. Grades 4-12 would remain fully online.

** For the two weeks Oct. 5-16, grades K-3 would progress to regular five-day-per-week in-person school, while grades 4-8 would come back on the hybrid model of two days in school, three days at home. Grades 9-12 would remain fully online.

** For the two weeks Oct. 19-30, grades 4-8 would join grades K-3 with regular five-day-per-week in-person school, and grades 9-12 would begin the on/off hybrid model.

** Finally, the week of Nov. 2, high school students would go back to regular five-day-per-week in-person school, meaning the entire district would be back to a traditional school approach.

The district’s plan says parents who are uncomfortable with their child returning to school at the scheduled time can choose to remain online if they give one week notice. It also says online instruction will be a mix of platforms — Google Classroom/Seesaw, Google Meet, and SchoolsPLP.

“The plan will work only if our entire community takes and maintains active steps to reduce and keep the COVID-19 rates per capita down over the long term.” the district’s plan says. “This means following the latest health recommendations, such as wearing masks anytime in public, reducing large mass gatherings (especially ones that are indoors), and socially distancing as much as possible.”

Huber Heights’ previous return-to-school plan had called for families to choose between traditional school or a fully online model.

The previous plan also said masks would be recommended, but not required in classrooms. The new 2.0 plan says face coverings are required for all students at all times with few exceptions like lunch or playing an instrument in music class.

“This will certainly be a greater challenge for our youngest learners,” the district’s plan says. “We promise to be patient, supportive, and empathic to their unique circumstances; and lovingly help them safely and comfortably wear face coverings during school.”

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