Assistant City Manager Steve Bergstresser told council that the unanimously approved resolution authorizes the city to submit applications to MVRPC for federal roadway improvement funds.
“This is an annual program that we go through with MVRPC,” Bergstresser explained. “We are submitting three projects this year.”
One project involves the resurfacing of Marshall Road that will go from Stroop Road, south to the Centerville corporation limit. The estimated project cost is $1 million and the MVRPC funding requested is $525,000. Kettering’s share is estimated at $475,000.
The second infrastructure project involves resurfacing a portion of Woodman Drive from Wilmington Pike to Stocker Drive - just a little north of Stroop.
According to Bergstresser, the estimated cost of the Woodman Drive project is $733,000 and a $330,000 request for MVRPC funding with Kettering’s cost standing at $403,000.
The third project on the drawing board is to construct a sidewalk on West Stroop Road between Ridgeway Road and Stonebridge Road.
It is estimated that this project will have a total cost of $905,000 and a request of $343,000 was made for MVRPC funding leaving Kettering to put in $562,000 to complete the sidewalk construction.
MORE: Kettering approves code changes, adds nuisance abatement
“If we are awarded funding for the resurfacing projects, work would be scheduled to occur in 2022,” Bergstresser told council. “And if we are awarded funds for the sidewalk project, that work is anticipated to begin in 2025.”
In 2015, President Obama signed into law the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act). The FAST Act authorizes $226.3 billion in Federal funding for fiscal years 2016 through 2020 for road, bridge, bicycling, and walking improvements.
It is the first long-term surface transportation authorization enacted in a decade that provides long-term funding certainty for surface transportation according to U.S. Dept. of Transportation.
Under the federal program, each metropolitan planning organization is required to develop a Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) with a list of upcoming transportation projects covering a period of at least four years. The TIP must be developed in cooperation with the state and public transit providers.
This is a common program that cities use to resurface roads through ODOT, but cities must apply and be awarded some type of federal funding.
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