Payroll project: Greene County’s top-paid public employees

Greene County Board of Developmental Disabilities employees again scored four of the five highest-paid jobs in that county's government last year, according to a searchable database of payroll records assembled by the I-Team.

Together, the four pulled in $485,761 in gross pay in 2015.

At the top of the list was John LaRock, Developmental Disability Superintendent. His wife, Jill, director of community services, was fifth. The I-Team wrote about that relationship last year, as well as how many households it takes to cover these salaries using the county's taxpayer-approved levy.

The number of Greene County employees who made more than $100,000 last year grew to 11 from six the year before. This wasn't the only local government to see increased in six-figure salaries, a recent I-Team investigation found.

Greene County’s five highest-paid employees last year:

1. Developmental Disabilities Superintendent John LaRock: $148,347

2. County Prosecutor Stephen Haller: $115,703

3. Developmental Disabilities Adult Services Director Deborah Capuano: $115,426

4. Developmental Disabilities Finance Director Frank Latona: $111,217

5. Developmental Disabilities Community Services Director Jill LaRock: $110,770

None of these workers made as much as anyone in the top 10 in neighboring Montgomery County.

Local governments make payroll with your money. That’s why the I-Team is using Ohio public records laws to assemble and analyze payroll data for governments across our region.

Go here for a growing database — currently containing 177,215 names and salaries — of government employees who made more than $50,000 in gross compensation last year and in 2014.

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