General taking over foreign arm sales agency at Wright-Patt

Brig. Gen. Sean Farrell

Brig. Gen. Sean Farrell

A one-star general will take command of a foreign arms sales agency at Wright-Patterson which had $27.5 billion in sales in 2017, more than triple the prior year.

Brig. Gen. Sean Farrell was chosen as director of the Air Force Security Assistance and Cooperation Directorate. He will replace Brig. Gen. Gregory Gutterman, who will retire this summer, according to spokesman Brian Brackens. Gutterman has lead the directorate since April 2015.

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Farrell works today as the director of strategic plans, programs and requirements at the Air Force Special Operations Command at Hurlburt Field, Fla.

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The new AFSAC commander will oversee a foreign arms sales budget of $161 billion in aircraft, weapons and support services to be delivered in future years. The directorate has agreements with more than 100 nations.

Farrell is a pilot who flew armed gunships in combat in Bosnia and Afghanistan.

The date for the leadership transition has not yet been announced.

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