The northeast land use board meetings normally do not host crowds like the one it had tonight. Usually, just a handful of people attend.
But supporters of With God’s Grace turned out in force to let their feelings be known and share some stories about the importance of the food pantry and how it helps feed people who are dealing with hardship and heartbreak.
Earlier this year, the city notified With God’s Grace that it was violating zoning code while distributing food from its warehouse by allowing visitors to line up outside and park haphazardly, officials said.
City staff and With God’s Grace Executive Director Nicole Adkins have worked together to come up with ways to address some issues with the pantry crowds, including how the line staging is handled and where visitors enter and exit and where they can park.
“The turnout tonight was wonderful, and we had a lot of families who came out and supported with God’s Grace, which was a big blessing,” Adkins said.
The Dayton Board of Zoning Appeals will consider the variance request to allow the food pantry to remain in operation next week.