Community-by-community assessment of tornado damage: What they are saying

Credit: DaytonDailyNews

The Dayton Daily News surveyed area communities to get their assessment of damage following 15 tornadoes that hit the region on Memorial Day. Below is what they said about their communities:



Beavercreek damage

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How many houses/businesses damaged: Homes: 300 heavily damaged; 200 moderately damaged; 350 light damage.

Apartment buildings: 50 heavily damaged; 20 moderately damaged; 30 light damage

Commercial buildings: 10 heavily damaged; 10 moderately damaged; 20 light damage

Government: 1 heavily damaged; 1 moderately damaged

Any government property damaged: Beavercreek Twp.'s Fire Station 63 on Kemp Road sustained heavy damages to overhead doors, which led to damages to two engines and one medic unit. There are numerous trees that were damaged, blown over or uprooted on government property. Greene County reports a few sewer lift stations sustained slight damages and the Russ Nature Preserve on Kemp Road sustained severe damages.

RELATED: How to help

What do they want to tell people: "The most pressing concern is the safe return of our residents to their homes and businesses. We want to do everything we can to help folks get back to normal as quickly as possible. The outpouring of support within this community and beyond gives us hope that the recovery will go smoothly and that people who have been displaced will be cared for," Greene County Administrator Brandon Huddleson said.

What do they need most right now: The county reports the biggest immediate challenge is debris removal. In the coming days and weeks, Greene County's building regulations department staff will be busy reviewing plans, issuing permits and inspecting buildings.

What are they worried about: "I am most worried that people will forget. This is a long-term situation here that's not going to be solved in two weeks. This has impacted public services tremendously and our goals and objectives for this year will be changed. It will be a long time for the people impacted before they get back to a normal life," Beavercreek City Manager Pete Landrum said.

What are they hopeful about: "Our fellow Beavercreek residents have just been unbelievable. Our phones have been ringing off the hook from people asking, 'What can I do?' There's been a tremendous outreach from other communities surrounding Beavercreek — Xenia, Fairborn, Kettering. We appreciate that very much as our public service staff will be working long hours and through the weekend," Landrum said.


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Estimate of how many people affected: City officials estimate the tornado itself affected about a quarter of the city's roughly 6,000 residents. The worst damage occurred in the Meadows of Brookville, Terrace Park and Wenger Woods subdivisions.

How many houses/businesses damaged: The tornado hit 235 homes, 35% showing heavy damage and 36% with moderate damage. No businesses were affected, according to the city.

RELATED: EF-4 tornado traveled 19 miles.

Any government property damaged: The city's wastewater treatment plant took a direct hit. One building lost its roof and air handler. The lab building sustained significant damage as well. Railings, fences and trees were also impacted. The backup generator started immediately so there was no interruption of service.

What do they want to tell people: "We are very thankful that we did not experience any serious injuries or loss of life during the tornado that went through our city. Our residents are very resilient. We want to take this time to thank all those who have volunteered, donated equipment, food, water and support. Brookville is a great community to live in! We are #BrookvilleStrong," Mayor Charles Letner said.

What do they need most right now: According to the city, it has enough help at the moment due to continued support and donations from neighbors, Miami Valley residents and businesses.

What are they hopeful about: "We are hopeful that our community becomes stronger through this catastrophic event," said Sonja Keaton, acting city manager.

Residents who live on Troy Street in Old North Dayton hand furniture through a torn out window. CORNELIUS FROLIK / STAFF

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How many houses/businesses damaged: Buildings: 415 moderate damage; 45 severely damaged.

What do they want to tell people: Citizens and property owners without utilities can help by preparing their properties for reconnection, said Dayton Mayor Nan Whaley. One easy and important way to help with recovery efforts is to shop and eat at local businesses and establishments, Whaley said. "Post about it when you do on social media with the hashtag #shopDaytonstrong," she said. Businesses need the community's help now more than ever, she said. People also can learn about how they can donate to relief efforts at, officials said.

What do they need most right now: The city is asking people to volunteer for things like the cleanup on Saturday organized by the Living City Project. Recovery from a disaster of this magnitude will take weeks or months for many people, and volunteers will be needed basically every step of the way, officials said. "This is long process," the mayor said. "Some people's lives will be dramatically different, and so we'll be doing different kinds of efforts over the next few months."

What are they worried about: Dayton police Lt. Col. Matt Carper said police are worried about scammers who will try to take advantage of storm victims whose properties need repairs or debris removed. He said police have been assigned to patrol the impacted areas and try to connect people with resources. Storm victims are encouraged to look businesses up before hiring, get multiple estimates and get a detailed and written contract, he said. City leaders also said they are worried that people will be out of work because their places of business were destroyed.

What are they hopeful about: Many community members and businesses have stepped up and helped their neighbors by donating profits, sharing food and water and information on social media, Whaley said. "Tank's Bar and Grill couldn't open without water on Tuesday, but still made sandwiches to pass out to the hardest-hit areas," she said.

North Dayton damage

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How many houses/businesses damaged: Counting the number of damaged properties and determining if they are livable continued by week's end in Harrison Twp. About 1,600 structures searched, 59 destroyed, 140 failed, 486 damaged. These numbers will likely change and include Trotwood.

Any government property damaged: The Government Center in Harrison Twp. is up and running after phone service was temporarily knocked out after the tornado.

What do they want to tell people: "We are working closely with county and state officials to ensure we are ready for the rebuilding process once the cleanup efforts are underway and completed," Harrison Twp. Administrator Kris McClintick said.

What do they need most right now: Bottled water, work gloves, baby products, personal hygiene supplies, nonperishable food items, safety glasses, laundry detergent, pillows, etc.

What are they worried about: "This entire process will take time. We are focused on debris removal and providing basic survival needs to our residents now," McClintick said.

What are they hopeful about: The township has witnessed a strong response from area communities to help it rebuild. Money for cleanup and repairs could be requested from the Federal Emergency Management Agency and from the state's disaster relief fund, according to the governor's office.

Miami County damage

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Estimate of how many people affected: Rough estimate is between 7,500 and 10,000, according to Miami County Emergency Management Agency officials.

What do they want to tell people: "If you can help out, help out," said Union Twp. Trustees President Dennis Albaugh. "Just look around, you can find something to do. Just ask someone how you can help them. It's just amazing how good the community has come together and helped people in need."

What do they need most right now: Coordinated volunteer efforts. The county is opening a volunteer reception center at the Concord Twp. trustee building at 1150 Horizon W. Ct. from 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday for volunteers to register. The EMA will then assess what the needs are next week and contact people to coordinate recovery efforts.

What are they worried about: People staying hydrated and safe during cleanup efforts. "We just want everyone to be safe and careful in what they're doing," said county EMA official Art Blackmore.

What are they hopeful about: "I've never seen such an outpouring of love and concern for a community like I have here," Miami County Commissioner Gregory Simmons said.

Colonial Village apartments in Riverside suffered damage from the area’s tornado outbreak. TY GREENLEES/STAFF

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Estimate of how many people affected: No official estimate available. More than two dozen streets suffered property damage and many homes had to be vacated, according to city officials.

How many houses/businesses damaged: City officials say they are aware of at least 100 houses and businesses that were damaged, not including Wright-Patterson Air Force Base housing. Twenty to 30 of these have been damaged so severely that they are likely uninhabitable. Base housing — the Prairies — sustained damage to about 150 units, including 14 deemed "uninhabitable," according to base officials.

Any government property damaged: City officials say trees are down in Shellabarger Park on Burkhardt Road. The park remains closed until it is cleared and made safe.

What do they want to tell people: If you need help, call City Hall at (937) 233-1801, or e-mail or message the city on Facebook. City officials can't promise that they can address every need, but if they can't address it they can assist residents in connecting with resources that can, they say.

Trotwood damage

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Estimate of how many people affected: It is undetermined the number of people who have been affected because assessments haven't finished. The city saw severe and widespread damage in the areas. 66 people had to be evacuated.

How many houses/businesses damaged: 1600 structures searched, 59 destroyed, 140 failed, 486 damaged. These numbers will likely change and include Harrison Twp.

Any dollar amount estimates on damage: The EMA and insurance companies will do their assessments once properties are secure and city officials are finished with their assessments. The total estimated property damage will come once the listed items have been completed.

The city wants everyone to be patient because of the significant damage their communities sustained during this natural disaster and to continue to help one another.

Any government property damaged: The government properties will be assessed once city officials have gone through the community, City Manager Quincy Pope said.

What do they want to tell people: "We are giving them our very best, everything that we got," Pope said. "And we want them to continue to work with us, to help them have long-term sustainability. We are going to continue this process until every last person has received help and is on the way to recovery."

What do they need most right now: The residents affected need water, toiletries, food and other basic necessities. The needs will be ongoing for weeks to come.

What are they worried about: Officials said their worries remain on their residents' safety, getting to a full recovery and the process to get their residents to the proper people for insurance claims, permits and basic needs.

What are they hopeful about: Pope said he is hopeful for a great recovery, is proud of the community for its resiliency and the great response from so many people.

Vandalia damage

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Estimate of how many people affected: Estimated about 100 to 120 people have been impacted, according to Vandalia officials.

How many houses/businesses damaged: About 40 structures, about 35 of those homes, according to Communications Manager Rich Hopkins.

Any government property damaged: No.

Any dollar amount estimates on damage: The estimated dollar amount in damages will not be nailed down for a long time due to the amount of damage, assessments from the EMA and insurance companies.

What do they want to tell people: "We want our residents to know that we are here to help, and we will be with them throughout this rebuilding process," Vandalia City Manager Jon Crusey said. "We know we are a long way from having everything restored to pre-tornado conditions, but we stand committed to being here for the duration to see this difficult process through."

What do they need most right now:Food, water and shelter are the concerns, city officials said. They advised residents to contact the American Red Cross.

What are they worried about: Residents in this area are worried about when their utilities will be restored and some have used generators as an alternate source. "If you are using a generator at your home, I strongly encourage you to consider some important safety tips," Vandalia Fire Chief Chad Follick said. "Generators operate through the use of an internal combustion engine, which creates carbon monoxide." Don't keep the generator in the home, closed spaces or near an open window because the carbon monoxide can drift into the home.

What are they hopeful about: City officials hope to be able to get back to normal sooner rather than later but applaud the work crews have done. "Our police, fire, public works and DES crews have worked tirelessly in the impacted areas to help get the debris cleaned up and to make sure everyone is safe," Crusey said.

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