The pay increase raises wages by $2 per hour for every full-time, part-time and seasonal hourly workers at stores, contact centers and supply chains in the U.S. and Canada through the end of April, according to a news release.
Other changes include:
- A new store closing time of 7 p.m. daily to restock shelves and clean and sanitize the store
- Masks and gloves made available to associates who want them (though not N95 masks, which are not being sold, but donated to hospitals with other personal protective equipment)
- A new customer limit protocol, which associates will track on handheld devices
- Adding dedicated social distancing ambassadors to monitor customer flow in garden and front-end areas
- Rearranging floor layouts to support social distancing
- Installing Plexiglass shields at all registers to protect cashiers and customer service associates
- Increasing third-party cleaning shifts
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