Dayton Daily News columnists bring home journalism awards

Dayton Daily News columnists Tom Archdeacon and Amelia Robinson won two of the top awards in this year's Cincinnati Society of Professional Journalists Excellence in Journalism competition.

Archdeacon won the Best of Show – Best Overall Written Reporter award for a series of columns from 2019.

Robinson won the Camilla Warrick Award, which honors journalists in any medium who use their professional role to make an impact on people in the community.

The judges’ comments of Robinson’s work included: “Amelia Robinson was everywhere – at the scene of the biggest stories in her coverage area, then all over the newspaper, television, podcasts and internet…This was journalism at its finest.”

As for Archdeacon entries, the judges said: “Outstanding work to put people’s stories in front of us.”

Robinson also won the Best Podcast award for her popular "What Had Happened Was" podcast.

Archdeacon was a top three finalist in three other categories: Best Feature Story (non-sports), Best Sports Reporting and Best Sports Feature.

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