New details: Oregon District Tragedy Fund tops $600K to help victims, survivors

Memorials to the Dayton shooting victims and dozens of media workers filled the sidewalks of the Oregon District on Monday morning in the wake of ten people being killed, including the shooter, and more than two dozen injured at 1:00 A.M. on Sunday morning.  TY GREENLEES / STAFF

Memorials to the Dayton shooting victims and dozens of media workers filled the sidewalks of the Oregon District on Monday morning in the wake of ten people being killed, including the shooter, and more than two dozen injured at 1:00 A.M. on Sunday morning. TY GREENLEES / STAFF

The Dayton Foundation created a fund on Sunday afternoon to benefit families directly affected by the Oregon District shooting.

As of Friday afternoon, 2,800 individual gifts have been donated to the Dayton Oregon District Tragedy Fund totaling $620,000 with many more gifts soon to add to that total, according to Chris Smith, vice president of marketing and public relations at The Dayton Foundation. Smith said she expects that number to at least double once the donations that have been pledged are officially added to the Tragedy Fund.

Cox Media Group Ohio, including WHIO, Dayton Daily News and, has partnered with the Dayton Foundation in this fund-raising effort.

“It’s amazing. The outpouring of support has been unreal. We’re so pleased,” Smith said. “We set up the fund Sunday afternoon, it was ready to go within the first 12 hours (after shooting) and when we came into work Monday morning we were just bombarded by calls, emails and credit card pledges.”

The Dayton Oregon District Tragedy Fund at the Dayton Foundation is accepting online credit card gifts as well as checks by mail. For online donations, the foundation will waive the credit card processing fee so that 100 percent of the contribution will be used to assist others.

>> PHOTOS: Candlelight vigil in Dayton after shooting

Pledges of more than tens of thousands of dollars are expected to come in from across the nation, Smith said, quickly making the current $360,000 climb much higher. From restaurants fundraising in Texas, to organizations in California holding benefits right now, the mass shooting has touched people everywhere.

“Our hearts go out to the victims and their families of this horrific event,” Mike Parks, president of The Dayton Foundation, wrote on the foundation’s web site. “Many people want to reach out and help our friends, families and neighbors in the aftermath of this incident. Individuals who contribute to the Dayton Oregon District Tragedy Fund can be assured that their donations will be distributed safely and responsibly as we continue to work with local officials in the days ahead.”

>> Oregon District shooting: What we've learned about the victims

Memorials to the Dayton shooting victims and dozens of media workers filled the sidewalks of the Oregon District on Monday morning in the wake of ten people being killed, including the shooter, and more than two dozen injured at 1:00 A.M. on Sunday morning.  TY GREENLEES / STAFF

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Individuals interested in contributing to the fund may make a secure, online credit card donation here, or mail a check to The Dayton Foundation, 40 N. Main Street, Suite 500, Dayton, OH 45423. "Dayton Oregon District Tragedy Fund" or "Fund #8365" should be designated on the check or in the fund name field.

>> Dayton shooting: Memorials all that are left after chaos Sunday

Contributions are fully tax deductible, foundation officials say.

The Sunday morning deadly shooting attacks in the Oregon District left 10 dead, including the suspected shooter, and nearly 30 injured. Nine of those injured were still hospitalized as of this morning, Aug. 5.

>> Shooting victim leaves behind newborn, older daughter

A fund launched by the Dayton Foundation to benefit victims of the Memorial Day tornado outbreak raised nearly $1 million by July 8, foundation officials said.

>> PHOTOS: Deadly mass shooting in Dayton's Oregon District

For more information about the Dayton Foundation, go to

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