DAYTON SHOOTING: Here’s how Oregon District businesses are responding to deadly attack

Credit: Marshall Gorby/Staff

Credit: Marshall Gorby/Staff

The organization that represents businesses in Dayton’s Oregon District released a statement this morning regarding the fatal shooting of at least nine people by a gunman who was shot and killed by police, saying its members are “devastated by this tragic, senseless event.”

"We are incredibly thankful for the quick response of our Dayton Police Department and all first responders," the Oregon District Business Association said on the organization's Facebook page. "We are heartbroken for the victims and their families."

>> Dayton Shooting: Suspect and 9 dead, 26 wounded or injured in Oregon District

The post prompted several comments, including:

  • "My heart is broken for everyone affected by this. We are hurting today, but one day we will be #daytonstrong."
  • "We love the Oregon District and it's commitment to the Dayton community."
  • "Get to work Dayton, doing what you do best, responding to tragedy with thoughtful action. Remember, you are the city of the peace."

Mary Katherine Burnside, owner of Clash Dayton, posted on her Facebook page that her business would be closed today, and added, ““I’ve spent my entire adult life working or living in the Oregon District. No matter where I live the rest of my life it will always be home to me. I’m seriously devastated by what happened this morning.”

>> PHOTOS: Deadly mass shooting in Dayton's Oregon District

“I have no idea who was there last night and if any of my friends are hurt or even dead at this point,” Burnside wrote.

One commenter replied, “Thankful you are safe. Heartbroken for our beautiful city.”

The Yellow Cab Tavern announced in a post on its Facebook page this morning that it would still host its August Brunch Food Truck Rally today from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

“We are deeply saddened by the news that hit us this morning about our friends and neighbors, and our hearts go out to all those affected by this tragedy,” the event’s organizers said in the post.

"We have debated all morning about what the appropriate response is in relation to our Brunch Food Truck Rally this morning, and we have decided that we will still host the event. Our space is a safe space, and we invite the community to be together as one in any way you need to be. We will be accepting donations for the victims and their families."

Also, Warped Wing Brewing Company, 26 Wyandot St. near the Oregon District, announced on the brewery’s Facebook page that it would open Sunday, with all sales in the Tap Room going towards “helping victims and their families and our friends in the Oregon District.”

“We’ve discussed at length and have made the difficult decision to open today because we won’t let fear and hate rule our community. We also want to be a place where the community can come be together.”

The Dublin Pub said in its Facebook page that it could not open for business today, “but our doors will be open to take care of our first responders.”

And two other Dayton restaurants announced Sunday that they are offering meals and respite to first responders in the the wake of the shootings.

>> RELATED:  Dayton Shooting: 9 victims, 1 shooter dead, 27 injured in Oregon District

"We are definitely inviting any responders or city (workers) who still find themselves on their feet (to the restaurant) so that they can come in and take a break and have something to eat," said Elizabeth Wiley, co-owner of Wheat Penny Oven and Bar at 515 Wayne Ave. "It would be our pleasure to give it to them on the house."

Tank’s Bar and  Grill, 2033 Wayne Ave. in Dayton’s Walnut Hills neighborhood, is also offering free meals to first responders, according to the pub’s Facebook page.

Ned Peppers released a statement on its Facebook page that reads:

“First and foremost our thoughts are with the victims of this tragedy. We are shaken and confused as to why this occurred in our safe entertainment district located in downtown Dayton. We are following along with you of the news coverage from WHIO, the shooter started down the road and made his way towards our business. We have police regularly staffed next to our business who engaged the shooter and neutralized the threat.”

“Dayton Police could not have done a better job responding to this senseless act of violence. We cannot commend them high enough. We are assisting them still in every way we can in their investigation.”

“Clothing items left here have been placed in the rear of our building although the area is still closed until further notice. We do not know at this time when the area or our business will open.”

Lily’s Bistro in the Oregon District was unable to open for its regular Sunday brunch because the streets were blocked off, but Lily’s owners announced early Sunday afternoon on the restaurant’s Facebook page that they will offer a potluck dinner starting at 3 p.m.

“It's pay what you like, all proceeds to help with the server at (Blind Bob’s Bar) who is in surgery from last night's shooting. Bring what you want, but just friendship is all we ask. We'll have friend chicken and sides. Please don't go into a dark place with this, we are strong and need to be with each other,” the Lily’s Bistro post said.

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