Foundation funds specialized medical equipment for children

The Vandalia-Butler Foundation awarded $2,400 in grant funding to Dayton Children’s Hospital for the purchase of Pedipags for paramedic units in Vandalia and Butler Township. SUBMITTED

The Vandalia-Butler Foundation awarded $2,400 in grant funding to Dayton Children’s Hospital for the purchase of Pedipags for paramedic units in Vandalia and Butler Township. SUBMITTED

VANDALIA — The Vandalia-Butler Foundation awarded $2,400 in grant funding to Dayton Children’s Hospital to purchase pedibags for paramedic units in Vandalia and Butler Twp.

The pedibags contain “right sized” equipment designed especially for treating children and adolescents.

Each pedibag contains different pouches that are color-coded and filled with oxygen masks, needles, IV blood pressure cuffs and other rescue equipment specially designed to fit children of different sizes.


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