Health Care Hero: Prayers, support for health care providers critical

The Dayton Daily News is profiling the people who work hard every day to save lives and take care of us. Nominate a Health Care Hero by emailing

Name: Elliot Smith

Hometown (where you live now): Springboro

Job title: Chaplain


Where do you work: Kettering Medical Center

Describe what your day is like/what you do: Currently, I am facilitating a Respite Room for our staff, two times a day. Providing staff support has become a priority during this current crisis. I also provide spiritual/emotional support to patients and their family members.

RELATED: Health Care Hero: ‘We are all in this together’

What inspired you to get into health care? My background as a social worker, and then as a church pastor, led me to this career opportunity. Being part of the healing journey — the emotional and spiritual — for patients is an honor. Also, supporting our health care staff — who are the real heroes — is something I love to do.

What's a memorable experience you've had in health care? I led a critical incident debriefing for a community in Indiana, as they dealt with the aftershock of a shooting in their small town.

What do you want readers to know about your job right now? Your prayers and support for health care providers is critical, now more than ever.

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