Health Care Hero: ‘I wanted to be the nurse who helped heal’

Ashley Blancet

Ashley Blancet

The Dayton Daily News is profiling the people who work hard every day to save lives and take care of us. Nominate a Health Care Hero by emailing

Name: Ashley Blancet

Hometown: Springfield

Job Title: Registered Nurse


Where do you Work: Soin Medical Center Emergency Department

Describe what your day is like/what you do: A day in the emergency room is always changing. You never know what is going to be brought in by ambulance or walking into triage. With COVID-19, the patients being seen are truly sick. We also continue to see patients with preexisting medical conditions that have been exacerbated or care that has been delayed because of the pandemic/limits of primary care offices seeing patients. We also continue to care for the emergent situations such as strokes, cardiac arrests or traumas that may come in along with the patients already being treated. Things can change in the emergency room within a blink of an eye, and we have to be ready to act. Our ED team is truly amazing at functioning efficiently to help care for our patients and their families, especially during trying situations.

What inspired you to get into health care? From an early age, I have watched both of my parents work in the medical field — seeing their dedication to their career and their passion for patients was truly inspiring. I knew I wanted to make a difference, I wanted to be that nurse who helped save a loved ones life during unsure times, and I wanted to be the nurse who helped heal.

Health Care Hero: ‘I became a nurse to make a difference’

What's a memorable experience you've had in health care? Being able to say that I've made a difference or an impact on someone is heartwarming. I was caring for a mother of a young woman who was extremely nervous regarding her mother's health status. After the initial triage, obtaining lab work and preparing the patient for imaging, the daughter asked me to step outside the room where she became very tearful. The part of nursing that isn't taught is empathy. I was able to share moments with her daughter to reassure we would provide the best care for her mother, update every step of the way and treat her as our family. The daughter later stopped me while I was shopping and asked if I provided care to her mother (these are patients/families that tend to leave a little imprint in your heart). She gave me a hug and continued to thank me for the reassurance and compassion I provided to her and her mother.

What do you want readers to know about your job right now? Please don't be hesitant to come to the hospital to be seen. We are still here working and providing care just as before, just extra cautious. With society starting to open back up, patients are venturing out to get the care that has been being delayed. Even though times have changed, the care I provide to my patients has not. My job and responsibility is to go above and beyond to make sure my patients get the care you need/deserve. We continue to clean thoroughly between each patient and ensure proper guidelines are followed.

Health Care Hero: ‘I really love my job’

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