Heat and humidity means cranking up the air conditioner and fans


We have had a week of high heat and humidity, which means we’re cranking up the air conditioners and the fans to beat it.

One homeowner has the right idea by setting the thermostat to auto so the air conditioner only comes on when needed.

“It’s too hot, it’s hard to breath, it’s too hot,” Sandi Ogg said.

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Even with the extended heat, DP&L says they’re in good shape because the holiday means more businesses will be closed and that lowers some demand.

“We are watching out, we’re not going to reach peak by any stretch of the imagination,” said spokesperson Mary Ann Kabel. “We don’t anticipate any issues, so rest assured, people can go about their daily business and feel comfortable they’ll have power.”

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Customers are relieved there’s no worry about demand, but now they’re just worried about which part of the house to stay in if they’re using a room air conditioner.

“You can walk from one room to another and feel a 20-degree temperature change, it’s crazy,” Ogg said.

DP&L says if you can manage to put the thermostat up just one or two degrees, you can have some big savings on your bill.

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