39 local police agencies combine for free crime prevention event

Crime Prevention Workshop to be held May 4 and presented by the Miami Valley Crime Prevention Association. CONTRIBUTED.

Crime Prevention Workshop to be held May 4 and presented by the Miami Valley Crime Prevention Association. CONTRIBUTED.

A local group plans to offer a full day of classes in police-related work that give citizens a chance to learn how to prevent crime and get the inside look into what officers do.

The Miami Valley Crime Prevention Association will hold its 8th conference on Crime Prevention that this time will include different crime and police scenarios, police drones, counterfeit money and more.

The free workshop is May 4 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Belmont High School on Wayne Avenue in Dayton.

Scenarios: People who participate will get the chance to see what it is like to become a police officer in a simulated traffic stop. These scenarios will be based off of actual traffic stops different police departments see.

3D experience: Instructors will show participants real-life scenarios that were created to teach officers how to respond. The scenarios will show how quickly judgments are made and if they are not immediately made, how lives will be lost.

“This program is often used to teach officers de-escalation tactics,” said Officer Rob Strehle, president of MVCPA. “As the participant ‘officer,’ you will have the opportunity to make split-second decisions that affect the outcome of the scenario presented.”

Drones: Participants will see how local law enforcement agencies use unmanned aerial vehicles to help locate missing persons, aid criminal surveillance and other applications that protect the communities they serve.

Is a CCW for me? Presented by the Attorney General's Office, the class will give an unbiased look at advantages and disadvantages of carrying a concealed weapon. Ohio laws will be taught on this subject.

Counterfeit money: Presented by the Secret Service, the class will teach you what to do with suspected counterfeit money, what happens if you unknowingly pass counterfeit money and secret service will discuss their tactics on how to stop it.

Crime Stoppers: Presented by Crime Stoppers, the class will give you a history of crime stoppers and how new ideas help the program evolve to better serve you.

Public attitudes towards police: The class will be presented by the Dayton Police Department to give the public the opportunity to discuss problems and concerns they have with police officers and see where some of these opinions come from.

Interaction with police: Strehle will present the dangers of the "routine" traffic stop that exist for officers and the public. He will teach the rights of the citizens and important information to know when you witness a crime or get pulled over.

Police and community outreach: The class will provide a list of programs police departments use to work with the community to effect change and engage citizens. You are encouraged to ask questions and speak with community activists from the Dayton area.

Participants can sign up for up to three classes that last about an hour, and they will be provided a light lunch. It is free.

Different cruisers, SWAT vehicles, fire engines, CareFlight, MedFlight, K9 units and other groups will be in attendance, all weather permitting. There will be a K9 and Taser demonstration.

MVCPA was founded in 1975 and is composed of law officers and their associates from more than 39 departments across the Miami Valley. It is the oldest crime prevention association in the state, has been the only crime prevention association in the area and is a leader among regional associations in Ohio, according to a release.

Visit MVCPA's website or email mvcpa@icloud.com for more information and to register.

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