How to go
What: Mary Scott Legacy 100 Celebration
Where: Sinclair Ponitz Conference Center, Sinclair Community College, 444 E. Third St., Dayton
When: 7-10 p.m. Friday, Oct. 17
Cost: $50 per ticket
Purchase tickets/more info: Call Wanda Wilson or Pat Cunningham at 937-278-0761, ext. 101
In 1914, Mary Scott took a widow who needed care into her home. Seeing the serious need to assist elderly poor women in the African-American community, Scott secured funds from local churches for a larger home. Her nonprofit venture was incorporated and grew, later serving men and women.
Long after her death, trustees purchased Washington Manor North in 1983, which was renovated and became the Mary Scott Nursing Center, Inc. on Campus Drive in Dayton’s College Hill neighborhood.
John Moore, 92, became involved with the center’s board in 1980, and recalls that the sale went through on land contract because the board couldn’t get a loan. “It was a challenge to get the facility started,” recalls Moore, who believes firmly that the center needs to remain viable. “There were 130 beds at the time; we didn’t have a lot of money, but we had very dedicated volunteers, supporters and a Legacy grant from David Rike.
“As it grew, though, we needed income. Medicaid was a blessing, because we could get reimbursed, but the rate wasn’t enough to cover the costs, so we raised funds to supplement.”
Moore will be the primary honoree for his contributions at the Mary Scott Legacy 100 Celebration on Oct. 17.
Moore, who retired from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in 1979 before joining the Mary Scott board, had been a member of the Dayton Foundation Board, among numerous other volunteer positions, and was familiar with local funding sources.
Moore, who served on the Mary Scott Board of Trustees for 34 years and was an emeritus board member, has recently been re-activated to return as the board’s co-chair.
“I’ve met a lot of people in this town, and have been busy ever since retirement; volunteering has been part of my faith journey, and I’m trying to support things that make a difference, especially when it comes to minority equity projects,” said the 70-some-year member of Ft. McKinley Methodist Church. “That’s what gets me up every morning.”
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