Richmond City Councilman Jamie Lopeman voted against the new ordinance saying,
"I have reviewed and understand all points of view surrounding the ordinance amendment. I understand it is a resource drain on our Law Enforcement Officers to respond to quietude calls. During public comments on the ordinance, the focus shifted to a single nuisance. In my mind, ordinances aren't written or amended for a single offender. The City of Richmond already had an ordinance in place for animal quietude. The ordinance needed to be enforced by Animal Control. The amended ordinance as written also didn't clarify the focus on the "habitual" offender. A point I had previously requested be included. I believe clarifying the focus on the "habitual" offender would have went a long way in reassuring the conscientious animal owner."
The law passed City Council 7-2 last week and it will not go into effect officially until the mayor signs it. That's expected to be within the next 30 days.
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