Springboro dance troupe competes

SPRINGBORO — All That Dance in Springboro returned from a week at Applause National Dance Competition in Chicago.

The competition dance team consists of 45 students from Springboro, Miamisburg, Centerville, Middletown, Franklin and Germantown. Alyssa Jagodzinski received platinum awards and placed fourth overall in the petite solo division. Alex Hutton received platinum awards and placed fourth overall in the teen solo division.

The following dancers received platinum awards and placed in the top 10 overall in the senior solo division: Amy Merl (third place), Ashley Herman (fifth place), Makaley Ikirt (seventh place), and Adam Houston (eighth place).

The following duets and trios received platinum awards and placed in the top 10 overall in the senior division: “Hold Me” (second place — Adam Houston and Makaley Ikirt), “Spelling Bee” (third place — Makaley Ikirt, Delaney Ikirt and Brooke Profitt) and “Single Man Drought” (sixth place — Katie Campbell and Amy Merl).

Senior groups which placed in the top 10 overall were “The Box” (second place — Ashley Herman, Adam Houston, Alex Hutton and Makaley Ikirt); “The Garden” (sixth place — Ashley Harbour, Ashley Herman, Adam Houston and Makaley Ikirt); “Falling” (seventh place — Ashley Herman, Adam Houston, Makaley Ikirt and Brooke Profitt). “The Box” placed fourth in the Best of the Best Finals held on the last day of competition. The petite group, including Maggie Biltz, Emma Halverson, Krysta Mckenzie, Isabel Pachiano and Kaylee Plummer, received a platinum award and fifth place for “Do You Love Me” and 10th place for “Purple People Eater.” They competed in the petite small group division.

Ashley Herman, Adam Houston, Makaley Ikirt and Amy Merl received scholarship awards. Laura Baker, director of All That Dance, received a choreography award. Makaley Ikirt and Adam Houston also competed in the Hall of Fame National Competition in Chicago where Adam placed in the top 10 in the senior solo division.