Today’s edition of the Dayton Daily News ePaper available to all

As our community grapples with the impact of the coronavirus outbreak, we want to ensure that the vital information we’re publishing is getting to all those who need it.

So today, we are making the daily ePaper digital edition of the Dayton Daily News open to everyone. You can view it at

We have journalists working around the clock in our community and at the statehouse to keep you informed throughout this outbreak.

In addition to the daily newspaper and 24/7 digital coverage, we are publishing an afternoon update to the ePaper. You can also stay connected to the news by subscribing to our newsletters, including Breaking News alerts. For subscribers, we are sending a special daily  Coronavirus Update that puts all the news together in one place. Even if you are not a subscriber, you can find our complete coronavirus coverage here.

Nothing is more important to us than making sure you have the in-depth information you need to keep yourself and your family safe. We appreciate this community that values local journalism, and we are grateful to our subscribers who make our coronavirus coverage possible.

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