Trotwood leaf collection begins

Cities around the Dayton area are collecting leaves this fall. SUBMITTED

Cities around the Dayton area are collecting leaves this fall. SUBMITTED

TROTWOOD – The Public Works Department of Trotwood will begin its annual leaf collection schedule on Oct. 26.

The city has been divided into eight zones.

• Zone 1: October 26, 27 & 28

• Zone 2: October 31, November 1 & 2

• Zone 3: November 3, 4 & 7

• Zone 4: November 8, 9 & 10

• Zone 5: November 11, 14 & 15

• Zone 6: November 16, 17 & 18

• Zone 7: November 21, 22 & 23

• Zone 8: October 28, November 11, & 23

Zones 1-7 have three days where pick-up is possible. To ensure pick up, residents are asked to have their leaves on the street by the first date listed. Zone 8 includes the rural areas.

Copies of the schedule can be picked up at either the Public Works Building, 2400 Olive Rd., or the second floor of the Government Center, 3035 Olive Rd.

If citizens have bagged leaves, they can be picked up by Rumpke at any times.

For more information, residents can call 937-461-0004.


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