Vandalia American Legion post’s move draws some opposition

An American Legion post wants to move from its current home in a strip mall into the site of a former church, a plan that has drawn some opposition from neighbors.

One city board has shown support for the move, which still must go before Vandalia City Council later this month.

Leaders of American Legion Post 668, currently located at 742 W. National Road, is looking to relocate to626 W. National Road, the former location for the Church of Christ, at the intersection of Helke Road.

The Vandalia Planning Commission voted 4-0 to recommend the conditional use permit to list the new location as “Club,” which is a permitted use in the Highway Business Zoning District under the city’s code. However, the final decision is up to council.

Some nearby residents do not feel the move is a good addition to the neighborhood. Resident Emily Harker, in a letter to the city, voiced her concerns.

“I am against American Legion Post 668 moving to 626 W. National Rd. This is because there will be more people, cars, noise and trash behind my house, which means there will be more annoyances and nuisances,” she wrote. “There is alcohol served, and that does lead to disorderly conduct. This noise and nuisances will in turn affect my family.”

However, others are supportive of the move. Another local resident, Brian Miller, stated the move shouldn’t affect the area negatively.

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The American Legion “wouldn’t be any closer than it already is and couldn’t be worse than Stubbies was. It couldn’t be worse than that new Shell station being there,” when referring to the potential traffic increase.

Stubbies is a now-closed bar.

City council members heard both sides on Feb. 6, and the issue is on the council agenda for Feb. 20, the next scheduled meeting.

The American Legion post would have to agree to certain terms in order to gain approval. Those include repaving and restriping the parking lot to city standards, loading and unloading at the northwest corner of the property, and pointing all outside lighting downward.


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