Why Ohio is better than Connecticut

Connecticut is out to steal one of Ohio’s most sacred treasures: the first-in-flight status of Orville and Wilbur Wright, who spent most of their lives in Dayton. When you think about it, though, it’s not surprising that Connecticut would stoop to this level. Put simply, Ohio is better than Connecticut. Ten nuggets that back that up:

1. Ohio has seven professional sports franchises. (Eight if you count the Buckeyes.) Connecticut has a team in the WNBA and used to have one in the NHL.

2. Connecticut has Yale University, which is a fine institution of higher learning. But Ohio has 64 colleges and universities, including Kenyon College, recently voted one of the world’s most beautiful campuses.

3. Ohio has the world’s best basketball player: LeBron James. Or at least we did.

4. Seven U.S. presidents were born in Ohio; Connecticut has had one: George W. Bush.

5. “A Christmas Story” and “The Shawshank Redemption” were among the great movies filmed in Ohio. Connecticut’s “Mystic Pizza” and “Mr. Deeds” can hardly compare.

6. Ohio has the Pro Football Hall of Fame AND the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, where “The Boss” is ensconced. Connecticut is home to other bosses.

7. One of America’s greatest authors – Mark Twain — lived in Connecticut. That’s hard to beat, but Ohio has a few notable authors/writers/poets of its own, including Ambrose Bierce, Erma Bombeck, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Langston Hughes, Toni Morrison, Harriet Beecher Stowe, James Thurber, William Dean Howells, and Sherwood Anderson.

8. Ohio is the birthplace of John H. Glenn Jr., the first American to orbit the earth and the oldest person to fly in space. Neil Armstrong, the first person to walk on the moon, also hails from Ohio. Connecticut’s most famous military figure? Benedict Arnold.

9. Ohio has a rich musical tradition that includes homegrown talent like the Ohio Players and John Legend. Connecticut gave us all a musical monstrosity called Meat Loaf.

10. The average low temperature in January in Connecticut is 17 degrees. Brrrr. In Ohio, it’s a balmy 20!

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