Will Der Dutchman owners rebuild, reopen restaurant?

WAYNESVILLE — Owners of the Der Dutchman restaurant that was nearly destroyed in a fire last month say they are still uncertain about the future of the popular eatery.

Mike Palmer, president of Dutchman Hospitality and the owner of Der Dutchman on Ohio 42, said Wednesday the company is still in the process of working with its insurance company to determine the extent and costs of damages to the restaurant as well as salvage pieces that were able to be saved.

“In the aftermath of the fire, Dutchman Hospitality was made keenly aware of the role Der Dutchman has played in the life of the Waynesville community,” Palmer said. “It would be our desire to remain a vibrant part of that community. We are grateful for the community support and many words of encouragement. It is our intention to keep the community informed of any decisions we make with regard to Der Dutchman and we will do so as soon as possible.”

However, a date for the final decision has not yet been set, Palmer said.

The kitchen of Der Dutchman was ravaged by fire on Oct. 12 when a faulty chicken roaster started a morning blaze. No one was injured in the fire but $1.5 million in damages was done to the kitchen. The rest of the restaurant was preserved by fire walls, although these was substantial smoke and water damage to the dining area, Palmer said.

The Der Dutchman has operated as a restaurant — under a variety of names — since the early 1970s when it was originally called “1776.” In 1987, it was renamed Der Dutchler and then became Der Dutchman after it was purchased by Dutchman Hospitality in 1999.

Contact this reporter at (513) 696-4544 or jmcclelland@coxohio.com.

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