The Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Casualty Team achieves this requirement by selecting and training field grade officers in accordance with the NDAA and the AFI. The duty of the casualty notification officer is to notify the next of kin with information of the incident and to show that the Air Force is genuinely concerned about its members and their families. Each notification is unique due to the circumstances surrounding the incident.
The casualty notification team consists of a field grade officer, chaplain and a medical officer or technician. All commanders and first sergeants should be prepared as well to provide notification of any individuals assigned to their unit. The Wright-Patterson Casualty Team reaches out to each unit on a quarterly basis to select and train field grade officers for this mission essential duty.
The Casualty Team is available upon request to brief on services provided at commander’s calls, director’s calls or any other appropriate forum. For any questions, concerns or to schedule a visit, call the team at 257-6405.
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