“Roar!” is a non-denominational VBS for children 4 years old through fifth grade. The program will be held July 8-12 from 9 a.m. to noon in the Prairies Chapel, Bldg. 6568.
“Roar!” is intended to inspire courageous Christian faith through music, Bible memory, science activities, sports and videos. The children will rotate through six activity stations, where they will learn a new way to apply each day’s Bible lesson. A snack break is included in the rotation.
The theme of the week is centered on African adventures and experiencing the Bible with all five senses. Children will learn Bible stories about the Israelites in Egypt, God’s goodness and Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Volunteers from Bethel Christian Assembly of God will assist with activities during the week.
Registration is free and available online at https://vbspro.events/p/events/vbs-roar-2019. The deadline to register is June 15.
For more information, contact the WPAFB Protestant Chapel community at 257-7427.
The following week, the Catholic Youth Ministry will host “Totus Tuus,” a Catholic VBS for children grades 1-12. The theme of the week will be the Sacraments.
“Totus Tuus” splits children into two groups, which will meet at different times. Children in grades 1-6 will meet during the day from July 15-19, 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Teenagers in grades 7-12 will meet in the evenings of July 14-18, 7-9 p.m. The program will take place in the Prairies Chapel.
Each day, the children’s program will begin with music, a skit, educational classes, preparation for mass and a snack break. The kids will experience mass every day at 11:15 a.m. They will finish VBS with lunch, recess, classes, a skit, music and prayer.
The teen program is focused more on discussion, spiritual growth and building relationships with peers. They will participate in classes, activities, prayer and small groups. A snack break is included.
The Chapel community will host four college-age Catholic missionaries sent by the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. These students will lead the program and engage the children and teens in discussion about their faith.
Registration for “Totus Tuus” is $25 per person or $50 per family of two of more children. ID card holders can register by contacting Karyna Mitchell, religious education coordinator, at 257-9660 or karyna.mitchell.ctr@us.af.mil.
“We want them to be excited about their faith,” said Cheri Champagne, Catholic administrative assistant. “We want that fire lit to have them want to go out and do what these missionaries are doing.”
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