Man shot by Dayton police Sunday dies

A man shot by police during a reported domestic violence incident on Sunday evening has died.

Donald Saunders, 37, was pronounced dead Monday, according to Montgomery County Coroner Dr. Kent Harshbarger. The cause and manner of death have not been determined at this time.

Saunders was shot at least four times after he pointed a gun at officers, Dayton police Lt. Col. Matt Carper said Monday.

Sgt. Joseph Setty and officers Joshua Blankley and Michael Floyd were called around 11:45 p.m. Sunday to the 1700 block of Rangeley Avenue after a neighbor called 9-1-1, saying that a man was hitting a woman.

When police arrived, they found blood on the door and identified themselves. A woman inside screamed, said Carper, prompting police to force their way into the apartment.

“As officers forced open the door they were met by the suspect, later identified as Donald Saunders, who was attempting to keep the door closed with his body,” Carper said.

Policer were able to enter the apartment, and saw Saunders with a semi-automatic pistol in the living room.

He pointed the gun into the chest of the supervising officer, Carper said. The officer was able to the bat away the weapon; however, Saunders maintained control of the gun and again pointed it at officers.

“The officers, fearing for their lives, and for the female victim inside, engaged the suspect with gunfire,” Carper said.

Nine shell casings were recovered from the scene. Police are investigating to see whether Saunders fired at the officers.

No officers were injured during the incident. All three were placed on paid leave pending an investigation, which is standard policy following a police shooting.