MORE: Extreme cold temperatures spur action to help those in need
The record was set last year when SHALOM served 119 guests, he said.
On Sunday, SHALOM, a seasonal, church-based shelter in its 17th year, cared for 23 guests who sought shelter from the “extreme cold,” Fugate said. That number included 15 males, five females and three children, 2 and 3 years old and 4 months.
The homeless have relocated this week to Christ United Methodist.
MORE: New homeless center ‘represents hope’ for residents, community
“It is truly astonishing how our host churches and their tremendous volunteers continue to bless and serve the homeless who are led to us,” Fugate wrote in an e-mail. “In today’s world, where it sometimes seems that people have stopped caring about their fellow man, it is inspiring and comforting to see how so many volunteers continue to give of their valuable time and assets to serve those who have found themselves in what may be the lowest and most trying time in their lives.”
Daily intakes are performed from 4 to 5 p.m. every afternoon of the hosting season at SHALOM’s office in the lower level of the First United Methodist Church, 120 S. Broad St.
MORE: ‘Tough year’ predicted for Butler County homeless shelters
A van transports the guests every day to the host church where the guests are served dinner and breakfast. At about 8 a.m., the guests are transported back downtown.
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